Networking - Creating a MAN using Packet Tracer

Today We are going to step up further from our Previous Network, 

If you are a beginner I recommend you to go and read the Introduction & the Procedure of creating Simple Lan and Creating a LAN with a Router

All Good? Then Let's move on to Today's Blog

Creating a MAN with a Router

So I hope you have read the Previous Two Blog Related to Packet Tracer, So I will not Going to Show the Designing Parts In detail

1. First You need Two Routers, Two Switches, and 4 PCs , and don't forget to add ports to the Router as in the Previous Blog

2. Then Interconnect the PCs with Switches using Copper Straight Through Cables

3. Then Connect Switches with the Router using Copper Straight Through Cables

4. Then you have to Connect two Routers with each other, as I mentioned in my Previous Blogs we have to use Copper Cross Over Cables when connecting the Same Devices to each other

But It's applicable only if the two Routers are situated closer ( Around 100 meters Apart )

In this Scenario, We are Developing a Metropolitan Area Network 

Definition of Metropolitan Area Network

A metropolitan area network is a computer network that interconnects computers within a large city, multiple cities, towns, or any large area with multiple buildings.

So the Buildings are situated Far Away from each other, So it's Not Good to use Copper Cross Over Cables  in this case,

So we are using Serial Cable to connect two Routers, Select Serial DTE Cable

Then the Setup should look like this

5. Next Step is to Assigning Network IPs for the Networks, Here we can Identify 3 Networks as Below, 

6. So I assign the IP address of Network 1 as, 
 the IP address of Network 2 as,  the IP address of Network 3 as 

7. So Next Step is to give IP addresses, Subnet Masks ( Subnet Mask is Auto Filling After you enter the IP address ), and the Default Gateway

As  I mentioned in the Previous Blog, Default Gateway is the IP address of the Port of the Router which connects with the Specific Network

So I assign the IP address of Fast Ethernet 0/0 Port of Router0  as

                   the IP address of Fast Ethernet 0/0 Port of Router1 as

So Network 1 ( )

PC0 -  IP =    Subnet Mask = Default Gateway =

PC1 -  IP =    Subnet Mask = Default Gateway =

So Network 2 ( )

PC2 - IP =    Subnet Mask = Default Gateway =

PC3 -  IP =    Subnet Mask = Default Gateway =

8. Now We have to Give IP addresses for the Fast Ethernet Ports of the Router 

For that Go to the CLI of Router 0 and Go to Configure Mode 

Then go to Fast Ethernet Port 0/0 and give the IP as

Then Exit and Go to Router 1 and Do the same Steps but the IP address you have to give is

HINT: If you Type fa and Press the Tab Key on Keyboard it will auto-fill the word FastEthernet

9. Then we have to give the IP addresses for Serial Ports of the routers for that

First Go to CLI of Router 0 by clicking on the Router 0 and get into the Serial Interface and give the IP address which belongs to the Network IP 

Then Go to CLI of Router1 by clicking on the Router1 and get into the Serial Interface and give the IP address which belongs to the Network IP 

10. Now we have come to the Final Step of our Configurations, the thing we are going to do is Configure the Routing

What is Routing?

In Order to Travel Data over multiple networks from its source to the destination, it may have to travel across a series of routers, so the set of protocols that determines the path that the data should follow in order to reach its destination is Simply Called Routing

The Routing protocols enable routers to build up a Routing table that includes the network addresses and the associated interface or next-hop

So to give IP route to both Routers, first, go to CLI of Router0 and type the following command ( is the Network IP of the Opposite Network ) ( is the Subnet Mask ) ( is the IP of the Opposite Serial Port )           

then, go to CLI of Router1 and type the Same command replacing the Network IP and Serial Port IP for the Opposite side IPs

Cheers!! , Now the Configurations are Over So let's Ping and check whether the Network is Working or Not

You might be needed to Ping two-three times to Get Success

I hope You all are Clear with the Today's work , Let's meet again with an exiting blog

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