Top 10 Trending Flutter Packages for 2022

What is Flutter?

As a Brief Introduction, Flutter is not a Programming Language, it's a Framework, Dart is the Programming Language used by Flutter 

Flutter is a Cross-Platform UI Kit that can be used to develop Android, iOS, and Web Apps using a Single Codebase

if you want to know more about you can read Why you should learn Flutter in 2022 Blog

Today we are going to see some  popular Flutter Packages among Developers

Flutter Packages

A group of similar types of classes, and interfaces can be simply called a Package

By using Flutter Packages we can add different functionalities easily and we can build our App without developing everything from scratch is the best place to find flutter packages, allows developers to publish or share reusable packages with the Flutter Community

When you are installing and Flutter Package, only thing you have to do is 

1. Copy the Flutter Command in Installing Section

2. Open Terminal of Any Coding Software and paste the command and hit enter

3. Then we have to import this package to our Dart Pages and do the programming part

So let's see some most popular flutter packages

1. Url Launcher

Url : url_launcher | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Web, Windows

Url Launcher is a Package that can be used to Open External Links not only for opening Links but this package can also be used to make calls using the phone app, send emails using the email app, and send SMS using the SMS App

You can Open your Links,

  • Inside your app,
  • Inside a default App  ( you can open youtube through Youtube App )
  • Can Open Links Java script Enabled and Disabled 
  • Can Open Url and Close after a Few Seconds

2. Image Picker

Url : image_picker | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

This Plugin is useful when you need to capture photos, Pick photos, or images from Gallery

You can Pick a Single image or multiple images as your need

Please be mind to add  read permissions to Storage through the android manifest 

3. Shared Preferences

Url : shared_preferences | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Web, Windows

This Package allows us to persist data on memory so that when users get back to your app again you can use those saved data 

Example - When a user Logged in to your app you can allow him to use the app again without logging in, so until he gets logged out he won't need to Log in again

4. Google Fonts

Url : google_fonts | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Web, Windows

This is an essential package when we are more into UI because when developing a better UI, we need to consider the Fonts of the Letters, Google Fonts provides you more than 1000 Different Font types for your Project

You can Download Fonts from the Google Fonts site and can be added them to your project and can use them directly too

But it's good to use only a few Fonts in your App else it might be a headache for the User of your App

5. Firebase core

Url : firebase_core | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

When we come to the backend, Firebase plays a big role in that, we can use Firebase as a Real-time database for our Flutter app and also

  • To Execute Functions,
  • To Host Web Apps
  • To Add Authentications to App
  • Can be used to identify Crashes in the App through Crashlytics
  • It provides Cloud and in App Messaging Services
  • It allows to Monitor the Performace of the App

So to initialize Firebase in your App, you can use this firebase core

6. Cloud Firestore

Url : cloud_firestore | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

After the initialization of the Firebase using Firebase core package, cloud firestore can be used to access Firestore Database of Firebase

You can write to Storage, and you can read documents from Storage using this package

7. Firebase Storage

Url : firebase_storage | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

Though you add Firebase core and Cloud Firestore packages, you won't be able to use Firebase Storage to store any images or Files 

To use Storage, you have to use this firebase Storage. then you can store, retrieve and delete assets in Storage

8. Cached Network Image

Url : cached_network_image | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

There are mainly two ways of displaying images on the Flutter App. The first one is from Assets and the second one is from Network Images which means through Image links

When we load images using Network Images inside the Flutter App, every time user comes to the app that image has to be downloaded before showing, but when you use Cached Network Images, After the First visit of the image it will be saved in the cache memory so when the user comes next time it will show  the image using chaced memory, it saves the Data of the user

9. Fluttertoast

Url : fluttertoast | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

This Package can be used to show Toast messages inside the flutter app. and also it provides more customizations too 

You can change the color of the Toast, the position of the toast in the App,  can add icons to the toast

10. Share Plus

Url : share_plus | Flutter Package (

Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Web, Windows

This Package helps you to implement the share feature on your Flutter App

By using this Package you will be able to implement, Images sharing and text sharing features

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